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summary: Plotted NAICS codes and the Businesses associated to these codes. Also the following Social Values were mapped based on Index scores and using Canada as the Benchmark.
tags: ["Social Values","NAICS","Business Codes","Environics"]
snippet: Plotted NAICS codes and the Businesses associated to these codes. Also the following Social Values were mapped based on Index scores and using Canada as the Benchmark.
type: Map Service
guid: 9F85FF8A-CFCE-4DCA-99DA-A2FE5C4DCBF3
title: STEP_BusinessSocialValuesIndex
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
extent: [[-83.2824139614177,41.5653378710604],[-74.2100506292795,46.5125691403411]]
description: Social Values Include: Ecological Fatalism Civic Apathy (Not Available) Multiculturalism Pursuit of Novelty Culture Sampling National Pride Global Consciousness Active Government Ecological Lifestyle Financial Concern Regarding the Future Obedience to Authority Effort Toward Health Personal Challenge Search for Roots Civic Engagement (Not Available) Primacy of Environmental Protection (Not Available) Ecological Concern Attraction to Nature
name: STEP_BusinessSocialValuesIndex
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
spatialReference: NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_17N
culture: en-US